Life Plastic 2014 to take place in Germany this June

The Life Plastic 2014 international conference, organized by Applied Markets Information(AM), will be held from June 17-18 Germany.

The two-days conference focuses on the recovery of polymers after use in some form, covering different regions, equipment and systems, said AMI. Some of the highlights are as follow:

China has a vast recycling industry that has been importing from the rest of the world and this will be highlighted in a market paper by Dr.Steve Wong Chor Kie, Managing Director of Fukutomi Company and Executive President of the China Scrap Plastics Association.

From Europe, Ton Emans, President of Plastics Recyclers Europe, will give an overview of recycling Scandinavia has a well-deserved reputation for “going green” and the region has put in place a variety of options for plastics waste from energy recovery to recycling.

Flexible Packaging Europe examines the resource efficiency of flexible packaging in relation to the end of life options.

Pet bottle packaging is a good example of an effective system of plastics recovery and re-use, notes AMI. Next Generation Recyclingmaschinen (NGR) has new liquid state polycondenzation technology for PET upcycling and Gneuss Kunststofftechnick has improved equipment for PET recovery.

There is new counter-current technology from EREMA Engineering Recycling Maschinen Und Anlagen to improve the efficiency of plastics recycling. Most plastics waste is recovered as a mixture of materials and requires sorting: Buhler Sortex is one of the leading players in mechanical and electronic grading technology.
